ADILA – forskning på læring, innovasjon og IKT

Agder Digital Learning Arena er et prosjekt initiert av DDU, som består at fire PhD-prosjekter som fokuserer på innovasjon i læring gjennom digitale medier. 

Mer om de fire forskningsprosjektene her

30. november arrangeres seminaret: D-TEL 2015 Symposium on Advances in Digital Technology for University Teaching and Learning ved Campus Grimstad. Seminaret vil, i følge ADILA-leder Dr. Ghislain Maurice N. Isabwe, tilby

«a platform to discuss the challenges ahead and showcase
current research work both at UiA and partner institutions. Further on,
this will be an opportunity to extend international collaborations and
networking with delegates from Scandinavia, other European countries,
East Africa and the USA.


  • Design and development of ICT tools for teaching and learning
  • Computer supported collaborative learning
  • Visualization and simulation in engineering education
  • Digital assessment
  • Open and distance education & MOOC (massive open online course)
  • e-Learning specification and learning technology standards
  • Mobile learning & gamification of teaching and learning.

Program og påmelding

Les mer om ADILA




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