Internationalized, online courses in how to teach and build learning environments in virtual rooms and how to create online courses of your own now running at UiA

virtual groupwork2The E-teaching courses have teachers in secondary schools and universities as main target groups. In addition to Norwegian master degree students, there are faculty staff members from various universities studying from other continents. Faculty staff from UIA are also welcome to participate for free through the Pedagogical Development Centre (PULS) and EVU.

The courses are at the cutting edge in Norway, with a specially developed e-learning pedagogy. In addition to detailed study guides, there is an abundance of “greenscreen” lectures, interactive e-books, a blog with illustrated ”mini-lectures”, online quizzes and specially trained and experienced tutors. The Fronter room is specially adapted and structured to the needs of these courses.

The course structure, e-pedagogy and Fronter adaptation can probably be used as a template for any future credit-giving UIA course given online.

The teaching, instruction, tuition and supervision take place in virtual classrooms in the Learning Management System (LMS) called Fronter. The participants have access to detailed study guides with learning tasks and activities. The approach is learner focused with tutor support, many-to-many communication, group work, negotiation of meaning in asynchronous threaded discussions, video lectures, peer tutoring and online quizzes. There are group hand-ins in addition to individual hand-ins.  Each student is expected to participate actively, taking his or her share of responsibility for own learning as well as taking part in the development of an optimal learning environment.
Estimated student workload: 270 hours.

E-teaching 1 and E-teaching 2 are offered by the Faculty of social science.ruhunaprocess1

The E-teaching courses are currently an integrated part of the newly established master study “Multimedia and educational technology” by Faculty of Engineering and Science, Grimstad. So far, 25 students have completed E-teaching 1 and are now half way in the E-teaching 2 course. Most of the students are university teachers.

For more information, see the UiA course catalog:

Stein Erik Skaar

Rådgiver ved Pedagogisk Utviklingssenter (PULS), Universitetet i Agder

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